Plant-based and surviving!

  • Post author:
  • Post published:January 16, 2020
  • Post category:Blog
Ringing the bell at the end of chemo

Last chemo treatment tradition is to ring the bell. After four months of being poisoned, I am not sure this quite makes up for it.


Cancer and the aftermath.

The struggle is real. Every day I have to fight to feel good. I have to fight to not hurt. And most of all I have to fight to help myself live a long life. 

The doctors say when you have hit the five year mark you are technically cancer free. But no one who has had cancer is ever really cancer free. I live with it every day of my life. The aches, the pains, the joint discomfort, the brain fog from the chemo and the constant scare that it might come back because the statistics say that it probably will.

In the meantime, I continue to fight and I continue to be a survivor. Being a survivor means doing something every day that helps me be a little bit stronger for a little bit longer and keep it away one day at a time. 

I do it for me.

The biggest thing I do for myself in that battle is being plant-based. I didn’t want to give up meat at the time. I didn’t want to give up a lot of things at the time but the one thing I did not want to give up was my life.

So, I continue to remind myself every day that the small things that I do for myself can make huge changes to my future. If that means dragging my butt to yoga two or three times a week, I do it.

If that means playing meditation apps before bed because my functional medicine doctor told me to.  I do it. He told me reducing stress was a necessity in reducing my chance for recurrence.

And if that means eating and studying a plant-based lifestyle I do it. Cause at the end of the day, none of that is really so bad. People who have never had cancer do it! I can do it.

The truth is I’ve really become quite excited about a plant-based diet and lifestyle. It’s fun for me to learn new things. I enjoy cooking. And I know I like to eat!

My friends will tell you I never stop. I am high energy and a type A personality who grabs life by the horns. That is just my personality and who I am.

The constant quest for knowledge or obsessive compulsive?

I had a friend who told me that if I needed to know something instead of just asking for advice I go out and read all the books I can on it. It doesn’t have to be much of anything but I want the facts and I want to know all I can so I can make an informed decision for myself. You know what? He was right!

I’ve always been a foodie, I’ve always loved to cook, and we all know we all love to eat. If that’s all it takes to be a plant-based foodie I am in. And if by some small chance it happens to help me word off my cancer just a little bit longer then I’m even happier for it.

It wasn’t easy learning how to be plant-based that’s why I wrote the transformation guide, I work on this website, I built the app and I continue to try to help others who want to work on being the best they can be.

I was very frustrated that a lot of the information that’s out there is only in the hands of the doctors, nurses and medical professionals. The regular average person isn’t bombarded with the information they need to be healthier. The information  needed to live a long life. The information that is needed to beat cancer. So I wanted to share the information that I learned during my journey  with everybody else and give you people a chance to take control of their future and of their health.

Plant-based and thriving.

Living a plant-based lifestyle has done wonders and I function more holy today than I ever did. I’m active. I have friends. I work probably way too much and I’m getting older by the day, thank goodness.

So jump in and start to learn how to do it. It takes a long time. It’s takes practice. It’s something you have to practice every day and eventually you’ll find a place in your life where it becomes the norm. Then it is just second nature.

So my best advice for now is a jump in. Jump all the way in with both feet.

The getting started guide is there so you can dip your toes in the water. If you know you are ready to see the amazing results that I have had and experience for yourself then subscribe to our workshop. It offers tons of information, recipes, tips and the Transformation Guide which is a full weekly plan for transforming to a fully plant-based diet and lifestyle and take my journey.

Take the journey to a better you, to a plant-based you, to a healthier you!

I’ve been down that road and I’ll tell you it’s not terrible!

Surviving on a plant-based diet

 I didn’t want to give up meat at the time. I didn’t want to give up a lot of things at the time but the one thing I did not want to give up was my life.



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